The WiseTime for Actionstep Connection gives attorneys time for more by taking timekeeping off their to-do list. The WiseTime app works by capturing the attorney’s activity as they work, without interrupting their workflow. No manual entry or start-and-stop timer required. With Actionstep connected, matter ID’s are automatically detected so time can be sent directly to Actionstep, ready to be invoiced.
The Actionstep Connection is available as part of the Pro Plan. Upgrade from the Team Settings page to get connected.
Connecting WiseTime to Actionstep
You can connect WiseTime to Actionstep from the Team Settings page in your WiseTime Timeline.
- Go to the Timeline at
- Click on the "Settings" page from the left-hand menu.
If you do not see the Team Settings page in the left side menu you may not have Owner or Manager permissions that allow you to set up the connection. Contact your manager or system administrator to facilitate the connection or grant you privileges to do so. - Scroll down to 'Connections', and click on "New Connection"
- Use the dropdown menu to select Connection Type "Actionstep"
- You will then be directed to Actionstep to authenticate your account. If you are not already logged into your Actionstep account, you will be prompted to log in before you can connect.
- You will then need to allow WiseTime access to connect to your Actionstep account.
- Once done, you will be redirected back to the WiseTime Timeline and your new connection will appear listed under 'Connections'. Please note it may take a few minutes to sync all of your matters from Actionstep and show the green status of the connection.
Your WiseTime-Actionstep connection is now up and running. Please note it may take a few minutes to sync all of your matters from Actionstep.
You can also be invited to join a team that is connected to Actionstep already. In this case, you will still need to authenticate your Actionstep account.
- Click on the 'Join [team]' link in your invitation email.
Alternatively, if you sign up for WiseTime using the same email address that the invite was sent to, you will be able to accept the invitation after you complete your account setup. - Follow the steps to create your WiseTime account.
- Download and install the WiseTime app when prompted.
- You can now sign in to your WiseTime Timeline where you will see a notification asking you to authenticate your Actionstep account. Click on the 'Connect to Actionstep' button in the notification
If you don't see the notification, click on the notification icon in the top right corner to open it. - If you are not already signed into your Actionstep account, you will now be prompted to do so. Once signed in, Actionstep will ask you to grant access for WiseTime to connect.
- Once you grant access for Actionstep and WiseTime to connect, you will be redirected back to your Timeline and your connection will be complete.
Actionstep connector property settings:
The connection settings below can be used by system administrators to manage advanced properties for your connection. Please note that these are optional settings and are not required for the connection to function.
Available properties to configure:
- ADD_SUMMARY_TO_NARRATIVE can be set as TRUE or FALSE. It determines if the summary of your narrative will be sent to your connected system by default.
- ACTIVITY_TYPES_NON_BILLABLE is a comma-separated list of activity types that should be posted with the non-billable option in Actionstep. Add the non-billable activity type to the property table making sure the name used matches the name given to the activity type in Actionstep. Note: This field is a comma-separated list, so you could enter multiple activity codes to show as non-billable, such as "Non-Billable, Marketing" which would make these two Time Entry Categories work as non-billable ones.
- ACTION_SYNC_INTERVAL_MINUTES Denotes the frequency of the sync of tags and matters. The default setting does not need to be amended and this can be left blank.
- QUICK_CODE_SYNC_INTERVAL_MINUTES Denotes the frequency of the sync of activity types. The default setting does not need to be amended and this can be left blank.
- SHOW_CLOSED_CASES can be set TRUE or FALSE. If marked FALSE, WiseTime will not import the matter IDs of Actionstep matters marked as 'Closed'. Correspondingly, WiseTime will not automatically tag any time rows to a closed case.
- BILLABLE_TIME_ROUNDING_SEC can be set up to bill time in increments. By default Actionstep doesn't do any rounding but if users want to bill in increments they can specify number of seconds to round to. For example, for 6 minute increments you could set the rounding to 360 seconds. This will round to 1 decimal after dot when represented in hours. 36 seconds would round to second digit after dot. Time is always rounded up, so if user posted 2 minutes and specified rounding to 6 minutes, it won't round down to 0 min, it will round up to 6min.
Global team settings
There are several global settings that can be configured for your team which affect the connection and posting behaviour. You can view the full article on Global Team Settings.
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