Being able to easily navigate your Timeline is a key priority for us.
That's why we have this handy list of shortcuts that you can use that can help speed up posting your time.
Below is a table to show you the shortcuts you can use in your timeline.
Left/right arrows | Move between the different days on your Timeline |
Shift+Left/Right arrows | Move between the weeks on your Timeline |
Selects all rows in your Timeline |
Tab/Shift+Tab | When a timesheet cell has focused, navigate to the next or previous timesheet cell |
Up/down arrows | When the timesheet hours cell is focused, increment/decrement the duration value |
Arrows | Navigate through various lists, such as the add tag/activity type menus, recent narratives |
CTRL/CMD+Enter | When the narrative cell is focused, post the currently selected timesheet entry |
Enter |
Shift+Left mouse click | Select time rows from the originally selected row to the current row |
Delete/Backspace | Send the currently selected time row to the trash |
Escape |
n | Create a new timesheet entry with the selected time rows |
a | Open the "Add to Entry" menu for the selected time rows |
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